Lukss Pack
chooses to Go Greener
and what about you?
Step up to the future and re-think your packaging!
Follow the 3R´s rule – Recycle, Reduce and Reuse!
Choose our Green solutions to make it work!
Lukss Pack chooses to Go Greener and be a responsible supplier of plastic materials.
Whenever it is possible, we always offer the eco-friendlier solutions to our clients, constantly working towards sustainable development. As we believe that changing our behavior towards plastic production and consumption today, will lead us to greener, healthier, and better future for all our planet.
Our priority is to choose materials produced with improved properties and less unsafe chemicals. Whenever it is possible, we chose fully recyclable structures, assuring lees impacts on the product’s entire life cycle.
Working in this sector through years made us put our priorities on:
Protect biophysical environment
Choose renewable energy sources
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Care about populations health
Use more recyclable raw materials
Bet on eco-solutions and biodegradable materials
As always are here for you! Please check our BIO range of materials
Or do not hesitate to fill the contact form down and one of our experts will contact you in a short time.